Test AngularJS

Test AngularJS with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

September 2023
12 minutes

ℹ️ This test is about AngularJS, the first version of the Angular framework. Discover our test on the latest version of Angular here.

AngularJS is a free and open source2 JavaScript framework developed by Google. It allows to develop web pages.
AngularJS is founded on the idea that declarative programming should be used to build user interfaces and wiring software components, while imperative programming excels at expressing business logic. The design of AngularJS is guided by several objectives:
decouple DOM manipulations from business logic. This improves the testability of the code;
consider testing an application as important as writing the application itself. The difficulty of the testing phase is greatly impacted by the way the code is structured
decoupling the client and server sides of an application. This allows software development on the client and server sides to progress in parallel, and enables reusability on either side.
guide developers throughout the construction of an application: from user interface design, through writing business logic, to testing the application
make easy tasks obvious and difficult tasks possible

This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 35 questions in AngularJS.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : Mathieu Robin

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Sample question

An AngularJS filter applied to an array receives :

See 35 test questions.

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Le test n'est plus à jour avec les dernières versions d'Angular et TypeScript.
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